Flora Animalia

Rozae Nichols is a veteran clothing designer, advocate of animal rights and environmental protection organizations, both which are intrinsically related.
She is a passionate vegan expressed by her regenerative organic, urban garden and animal rights activism.
For more than three decades, Rozae has designed women's apparel with an intimate, hands-on approach; from concept, to crafting each individual sample garment, to final production.
Born and raised in Southern California, Rozae made her own clothing from a very young age. Self-taught in pattern making & sewing, she embodied the ‘DIY’ ethos, deconstructing vintage & surplus into new and relevant pieces.
She studied (and decades later taught) Industrial Design at the Art Center of Pasadena CA., and was soon designing packaging and graphic design for textile applications for a denim company where she eventually became head designer. Her early designs combined her love of utilitarian workwear with folkloric garments & textiles, the combination which became her prominent design aesthetic.
She began to incorporate this aesthetic with her idealism of socially conscious fair-trade labor, as she discovered & challenged the exploitative conditions of garment labor. This would inspire her evolving purpose-driven career path